Monday, July 27, 2009


OK, here's what I've done so far to reduce my garbage dramatically!!

The first step is to accept the challenge and claim 100% responsibility for your own TRASH.

Telling your friends that you are doing this helps to keep you on the program. Blogging about it is even better!

1. STOP garbage can pickup.
2. Put together reusable 'eatting out' kits. Put those in the car with reusable bags/backpacks/insulated containers that you like. Basically, bring your own cup, plate, and utensils (B.Y.O.C.P.U) and then bring them home with you.
3. Start sorting your garbage. Collect and label/identify bins. Place in convenient spots near kitchen.
4. Compost food waste.
5. Stop accepting bags of any kind. Bring your own bag.
6. Avoid purchasing anything with packaging. Only purchase packaging you will reuse many times and/or recycle.
7. If you have to, have to buy something then leave packaging at the store or return to the seller.
8. Stop junk mail.
9. Buy from your local farmer's market.
10. Stop the plastic bottle addiction. Get a water purifier.
11. Grow your own food. Share with others.
12. REFILL containers for food, cleaning products, cosmetics, toiletries.
13. Realize that reducing and reusing is much better than recycling!

More later....

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