TO AVOID Getting PACKAGING while eating out I realized everything has to go on my own plate, with a refillable cup and light workable utensils. So, the girls and I went shopping for refillables!!!
It was a hot day so we stopped at Jamba Juice where I picked up a refillable container that is very nicely designed for an assortment of cold drink uses. It has large has holes with a grid to fit straws in, two sides and ways to drink from it and quality snaps to keep stuff from spilling.
My next stop was to Whole Foods where I talked to a guy who used to work at GreenPeace. He was so inspired by what I was doing and so inspiring himself. He had done a project a couple of years ago where he carried all the garbage that he made for a week on his back. Now, how amazing was that to bump into him! Knowing that I would soon be desperate for a refillable plate for eating out I bought some bamboo plates that were light and can be washed and reused. You can get also them online at various places. I like
I also picked up some tater utensils (made out of potatoes and compostable) at the deli section of Whole Foods for FREE.

Next, We stopped at Target and I got a cute, blue and white striped insulated plastic lined bag duffle bag with a zipper from Thermos ($10.99).
I am using the bag for carrying the reusable items around town. It zips well, looks good, and is just the right size for a couple of plates, utensils, reusable drink containers along with some carry around food like fruit, bread, cheese, etc.
Here's what we've gotten so far:
- zippered, washable, insulated duffle bag
-bamboo plates
-compostable utensils made from potatoes
-a Jamba Juice refillable container ($3.95) that I LOVEEE!!!
If you make your own personal
Garbage Free TO GO Kit...
I'd love to know what you have found that works for you :)
Our first fast food restaurant USE TEST!!!Now, for a real world test.. the kids and I walked into Panda Express with our bamboo plates and kit. Actually, the truth is that the kids said they wouldn't come in because it was too weird and embarrassing. I told them they HAD to. They sat down in the corner, scowled and waited for me while trying their best to disappear. When I asked the lady at the counter if she would use my own plate she wasn't too excited about it and called her manager over. The manager started to explain to me that she really couldn't do it but when she looked into my eyes she realized that I meant business and that she shouldn't turn a decent customer away so she picked up my plate and started filling it. I ordered two plates of orange chicken, rice and chowmein and brought it back to the table for the kids like it was Christmas! Bringing our own plates was working!!! Next, we tried out our new compostable tater forks. Delightful.
Such success!!! We were instantly forced to REUSE just because I just didn't want to have to deal with the garbage!! It was soooooo much nicer eating on a bamboo plate than eating on styrofoam!!!! At the end of the meal, I didn't want to throw out the leftover rice so I actually dumped it into my bag for composting later. The kids were disgusted but it worked out fine to me, especially since the bag has a zipper. Once I got home I rinsed the plates, and composted the rice. It felt so good not to throw all that stuff away. The larger size bamboo plates are easier for filling up and getting complete meals and, I will compost them when they wear out.