OK, I've accepted the challenge of being GARBAGE FREE for one year. Basically from August 3rd, 2009 to August 3rd, 2010 I will take responsibility for ALL of my GARBAGE. It's July 10th today so I've got only about 3 weeks to prepare.
I'm going to FOCUS in on REDUCING MY GARBAGE as much as possible. It reminds me of preparing for a camping trip. I have to be as self sufficient as possible with my own reusable packaging, plates, utensils, bottles, and bags for food and purchases. The day will soon be here and I will have to deal with all the stuff. Very motivating!!!
Today I went to the post office to BLOCK MY 'CURRENT RESIDENT' mail and they said they couldn't do it!!! The nice lady at the post office gave me a number for ADVO (a national advertising company) but it was disconnected. She also mentioned that even if you get them to block it for your address- 3-6 months later they will 'update' the data, take the block off and you will be sent the advertising flyers again!!!! There oughta be a LAW against this!!! You can't mark it 'return to sender' they make it difficult to block in the first place and impossible to block permanently. The company is Valassis and here is the link to start the blocking process. http://www.valassis.com/1024/Contact/contact_home.aspx
I filled out my form today and sent them a letter. Hopefully it will work. GOOD LUC

Goes to a huge business source of national garbage and waste Valassis (or ADVO, Red Plum). I would guess that if it was made convenient for most people that over 70% would opt out to not receive the current resident ad mailers that waste our resources, time, and clog up our landfills everyday!!!
I'd love to get the stats on the resources of water, trees, gas, etc. are used nationally for ads that a high percentage of them are simply thrown away everyday!!!! WHAT A WASTE!
Join me in this challenge by taking care of your own garbage!!!
You and I can change the world in a few weeks or less by simply but radically changing our lifestyles.
hey dear Karen - here are some great links I found.. and these tiny houses are fabulous!
http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/ - I remember looking at this site a couple of years ago and man has he gotten "big" since then!!!
thanks for the links Luke!