OK, Here is how to remove yourself from the mailing list of one of the biggest advertising companies in the US.
go to www.valassis.com
select 'contact us' on the left hand side you will see 'click below to be added or removed from our list' then fill out the form and MAIL (that's snail mail alright!) it to them- and/
the EASIEST WAY is to call 1-800-437-0479 select to be added or removed from list then press 3 to speak to a representative. They make a note of your address and say that you will stop receiving the junk mail within 5-6 days and that it's good for 5 years. Calling the 800 number works pretty good. Make sure they get the right address.
Yeah, LESS WASTE!!!!
Think of all the trees we would save if just a million of us stopped this junk mail waste.. What an incredible waste of time, money, and resources. Imagine the mounds and mounds of paper, printing, labor, mail delivery that are used to create such ad flyers when the majority of the ads are NEVER LOOKED AT and simply just tossed into the garbage creating MORE WASTE. And, these kinds of companies are traded on the stock exchange. It's just plain stupid. This is really a seriously antiquated way to advertise. It should be a social embarrassment to make money off of such blatant waste.
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