Yes, try as we may we still have lots and lots of food waste that comes from the kitchen. It seems as if I am always pulling out another bowl, tupperware, or empty container to host the ever accumulating piles of leftover food. And, to make matters more complicated I have to separate cheese, oils, and meats into different container from the plentiful vegetable matter. Old apples, leftover salad, carrot tops, banana peels, watermelon rind, it all adds up. Even more problematic is the fact that the ants LOVE THE STUFF... so piles of composting stuff amounts to piles and trails of ants everywhere. Kitchen floor, table, counters- it's too much!!! So, today, since I had a bit of time while the kids are away I ORDERED some AIR TIGHT, odor preventing, (and, hopefully ant impermeable) KITCHEN COMPOST CONTAINERS. Yes, I splurged and got two as the need is great.
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ReplyDeleteWe use a five gallon bucket with a lid. We've not had any problems with ants. Maybe I should knock on wood!